This gamasutra story caught my eye: Sony 3D Headset Coming To Japan This November.
so I posted this comment:
classically, VR goggles (“strap ons”) never caught on because:
– there was too much light/heat too close to your eyeballs (slight cookage). But maybe OLEDs won’t have this problem? mayyyyybe?
– completely filling both your eyeball’s FOV with screens leads to screwing up your inner ear. People who used them for more than a couple hours at a time ended up nauseous and had trouble walking. (look up “vestibulo ocular reflex” – your eye compensates very quickly, for head motions). So they eventually built in an automatic shut off after about 2 hours. Which no gamer wants.
– they couldn’t track your head movement and update the displays fast enough, so it felt weird/wrong. Which is why thy stopped trying, and sleazier companies just sold cheaper versions as strap-on iPod displays for bored travelers. meh. which i don’t think anyone cares about (we already hate wearing glasses for 3Dtvs).
If they can tie in some high quality (optical) head tracking, and a game built to exploit it, this could be really cool. Right now it sounds like Japan-only experiment?
+ While working at NaturalPoint we evaluated a few VR goggles. like back in 2001, through 2008. At some point, i heard that a Japanese flight handed out early strap-ons displays to everyone in first class, and they used them for the whole flight (many hours). Then when they landed and people got up to leave, there was lots of vomiting in the aisles, and people unable to walk. … so was this a true story? haven’t been able to google anything up. hmmm.