Charity Suggestion: Children’s Miracle Network, Eugene Family Guest House

If you’ve ever thought “I’d like to donate 5 bucks to a charity. but which one?” – may I suggest one that matters to my family?

Go to this link: and select the Designation: “Patient Family Guest House.” Maybe put in a comment like “This is for someone who really appreciated the CMN/Lions Family Guest House while their kid was in the NICU at Sacred Heart in Eugene.”
Continue reading “Charity Suggestion: Children’s Miracle Network, Eugene Family Guest House”

gore gaming (thoughts on the genre)

it's like christmas all over me!

This post was originally ranted out at the Escapist forums, in response to Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw’s post/article about Splatterhouse and potential gore gaming mechanics:

I think what’s interesting about gore gaming is – the concept of sadism.

If video games are this magical invention that frees you to “do anything you can think of,” then why are you perpetrating all this gore?
Make the game focus on this. If you ignore this aspect of the experience (by making the game about a stylish world travelling treasure hunter, for example) then you’re robbing the gore of it’s punch. You’re making a different genre of game that happens to have some gore in it. which strikes me as lame/irresponsible. Continue reading “gore gaming (thoughts on the genre)”

Rock Band 3 changes everything with Pro mode.

I bought the keytar RockBand3 bundle. I bought the cymbals to upgrade my beatle’s Ringo drum kit. I have three mics (but only one mic stand). I have the old original rockband guitar (plus the original red PS2 guitar hero[GH] guitar, white xbox GH2 guitar, wireless black gibson GH guitar). I’ve purchased almost every Harmonix game (but stopped buying GH titles after the Aerosmith tie in).

Last night I received my madcatz “Mustang pro guitar” and played with it for a couple hours. BLEW MY FUCKING MIND. I couldn’t be more excited about the music game genre right now.
So here are my ranting comments, in response to a Gamasutra article about why music games are over. SIGH) Continue reading “Rock Band 3 changes everything with Pro mode.”

why iPhone wins

A friend just sent me this vid

I lost my temper in my reply. Which people usually find funny. sooo, why not preserve it for all time in my blog:

I love my iPhone. It’s all about the OS. Reliable and speedy.

[My girlfriend] hates Apple (but loves Google), and recently upgraded her cell phone to some motorola shit. oops, it’s locked to only run an old version of Android. She can’t use many of her favorite apps until Motorola decides to stop sucking it’s own balls.
thbbt. Android is too fragmented. Letting different carriers lock out features is horrific. (she likes a certain navigation map, but it’s locked out because Motorola wants to sell it’s competing, shittier, paid nav app).

* I’ve heard the HTC Evo is cool.
– But it’s bigger screen has lower resolution than apple’s smaller screen. So Apple’s is smaller and looks better.
– And I’ve yet to play with a phone that is as fast or responsive as Apple’s.

* I googled HTC Evo multitouch and here is first video I found:
“kinda sluggish but…” well, fuck that. This video also points out that Nexus one had known bug where multitouch didn’t even work? what the fuck?

* Everyone who attacks the iPhone, ends up touting some shitty competitor for all the wrong reasons. “Hey I can plug a dick into my HTC Evo. Can yer iPhon do tha?”
Well I don’t care about that shit. I want the fastest and most reliable for day to day use.

* HTC Evo no doubt wins by having 4G. But I’d never get to its web browser to check this out, because I’d be too busy frowning at the shitty slow OS. Some future iPhone will have 4G, and I have no interest in going back to the wastelands of competing cell phone fuckery.


p.s. sorry if i missed the point of your video.

Electricritical: what about anti-gun technology?

I was watching this sad video where an idiot kid attacks a giant old viking, and gets the shit kicked out of him. Apparently it’s gone viral
I assume it’s popular because the modern American idiot wonders what fist fights look like.

The tragedy here, methinks (aside from this being a hugely popular video), is that the kid likely will not be going home and learning how to fight. What dweeb cares about such non-lethal human interaction, when you can just send away for the Charles Atlas hand gun? Disgusting. (though it makes me want to mock up an fake advert)

This morning I lay awake staring at the walls, unable to stop thinking about : advancing the equation to a new level. Continue reading “Electricritical: what about anti-gun technology?”

Oregon Measure (66 and) 67: You $%@ing with me?

I started SolidFuelStudios LLC to experiment with starting a small publishing business (comics, movies, and video games). I made a couple grand off of contract artwork I did last year, but have more than blown it on business crap (computer purchases and comicbook printing costs) (yay, tax write offs). I have not turned a single dollar of real gross profit for my business. Continue reading “Oregon Measure (66 and) 67: You $%@ing with me?”