Mad Men has meant a lot to me over the past few weeks (months?) as I’ve worked through it. I couldn’t bring myself to binge through it, as so many of the episodes demanded some really deep thought and reflection. I found Alan Sepinwall’s reactions to each episode to be a great after mint, even when I didn’t agree exactly with his take aways.
Continue reading “The end of Mad Men”
First thoughts on Avengers: Age of Ultron (spoilers)
my few cents (just posted over on Whedonesque):
Continue reading “First thoughts on Avengers: Age of Ultron (spoilers)”
We need a clearer message for VR “movie” experiences
It’s a very exciting time for VR this year. “Killer app” ideas are overflowing for the competing goggles that are rising up. (I have the google cardboard and GearVR, and plan to get the rest. But am also currently struggling to get my first test app out the door for GearVR, with all the oculusSDK/androidStudio/unity5 setup). Anywho. Was inspired by Simon Carless’s “the four horsemen of VR” blog post to try and lay down what i think is the messaging we should pursue for what will sell VR this year and next: the movies.
Continue reading “We need a clearer message for VR “movie” experiences”
GearVR is amazing
Bravo to Samsung and Oculus Rift! I just took my first jaunt into the GearVR gizmo with my GalaxyNote4 phone – and it was &#%@$!ing incredible.
Continue reading “GearVR is amazing”
I Loved Interstellar
I thought the movie was a triumph, so hearing some critics hated it is baffling. Continue reading “I Loved Interstellar”
More Jedi concepts, and some storyboards
Some more quick crappy art, to facilitate a mostly private conversation for a long simmering project. Continue reading “More Jedi concepts, and some storyboards”
Jedi Concept Art
Started working on visual effects for Alan Winston’s Jedi6 project again recently. Briefly obsessed over the idea of designing all CGI objects with elements from the old KBVRtv studio. Which led to these quick concept sketches. Continue reading “Jedi Concept Art”
Dream to Hero? (vidHero)
quick question for anyone: has there ever been a hero who only manifested his alterego when dreaming?
Marvel/Miracle Man was reinvented into something that swapped dimensions with its alterego, and that other dimension was a sort of permanent dream state. Etrigan the Demon takes over Jason Blood… but I can’t remember if sleep is involved. Dani “Mirage” Moonstar could manifest illusions of people’s fears or wishes. and of course there’s Shazam, Sasquatch (alpha flight), the hulk, etc. plenty of heroes who seem to get knocked out, then pop back up as somehting more powerful. just now sure “getting knocked out” has ever been a requirement…
Feels like there must have been a dreaming hero somewhere in the DC or Marvel pantheon, i just can’t remember them right now. Help!
Continue reading “Dream to Hero? (vidHero)”
Nintendo WiiU – should go TOY crazy (NFC)
Since PS4 and Xbone are selling millions, and WiiU is still choking, many analysts are preaching Nintendo’s doom, and returning to this bizarre idea they need to flush all their IPs out to the mobile market. Michael Pachter has been suggesting this insane notion for years (god love ‘im). Reading this collection of smart op-eds at Gamasutra and this featured blog post by Chip Sineni (mostly poo-pooing that poop idea), I was struck by a different idea which has me all excited. so i’m storing it here on the blog for posterity.
my armchair solution: the best thing Nintendo could do is go whole hog at the NFC toy angle. Continue reading “Nintendo WiiU – should go TOY crazy (NFC)”
Behavioral Engineering is fascinating…
Maybe my obsessions about biometrics should be redirected towards “Behavior Modeling.”
Continue reading “Behavioral Engineering is fascinating…”